Walking this Earth may have no real meaning but we're all here.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Found Text "King Snow" magazine

For my “found text” assignment I’m going to use dialogue from a free magazine based on poor really good snowboarders that are sometimes called ‘professionals’ if I’m right but in this instance are not. They are bums that will do nothing but began for money to fund their adventures or plea for a ride up the hill just to sneak onto every lift they can because they can’t afford to pay $70 like other people for a day pass. I want to use this magazine as much as I can, because it is pretty much people like me writing whatever they want, which I think is stellar. Here’s a quote from one of the magazines writers so you (whoever’s reading this can get a feeling of the magazine since u can’t see it) “Shut up and listen. We will bring our voice to your magazine, even though everyone knows snowboarding isn’t quite where skateboarding is yet and obviously we’d prefer to do an issue of king shit” (Ryan Stutt).
Here is a poem using some of the dialogue about opinions, I see how these writers react to readers comments and it seems like how a writer of poetry is compared to a writer of novels or structural writing in whatever form. Rules apply for writers who see that it is right to have commas and periods to make sense. Normally they also try to have rules for poetry, “structure is the successor for perfection” haha blahhh. For I, poetry is a style of writing in which I’m free to write what I want using things I want. For example being in a half pipe contest is like structural writing, and free boarding is like poetry, there are no two walls a rider can ride up and do tricks off, but rather a whole mountain to explore and be free with. The only line I fallow in my poetry writing in communication. Can or will people be able to understand the meanings in which I’m relaying. Period.
Snowboarding equals poetry…
The dark reached out to me,
through a intermediary about wanting to guest art direct an issue.
suffering from chronic flatulence my uncle was a bitter old man too

Great point that you raise and the answer is simple,
contests are extremely gay, just two walls where people can try to be better than each other
doing the exactly the same thing. Goddamn boring.

Any idiot can jump off a cliff for a photo, those people don’t have kooks,
agents, personal trainers and have to pass drug tests on their way to winning medals.
His farting technique would keep him excommunicated indefinitely.

Don’t be a KoC, dude, please Johnny learn from this story.
Let the street snowboarders have their fun they can’t wait to get to a mountain.
Guys who win are clearly better snowboarders, so why are free riders covered more?

Awoke in my hammock to darkness as a handful of sand peppered my face.
We will be offering the following two packages to our customers:
One, they are not better and two, kidnapping could be the solution to a better North America.

This piece of writing was fun; its meaning is not to confuse readers about what I think is cool but rather that people who distinguish what they do as better than other. Meaning in my hope to pursue a career in journalism I hope that people will be able to understand that what I pick to do is not what I think is better. I’m not writing an article on some poor kid from Kelowna who can jump off a 7 foot roof onto a 10 foot sloped rail because I think he is better but more that it is real and happening in people’s daily lives. No not that people do what that friend did but people have friends in their lives that do things that impress you and you or me as a able person have the ability to acknowledge that so why not. Other people might think it is cool. Plus he’s your friend. I write because I love it and it is fun, not to get rich or show the best, which I think the writers within the magazine do.

Any questions please comment and I will respond.

Thanks, Trevor Chalifour

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