Walking this Earth may have no real meaning but we're all here.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Collaborative Sound Text

Sound txt is all finished, It was done today March 16th, and I dont know how to get it onto the computer off of my phone. I have a Blackberry but have no idea how to use it, and it's not like I just got the thing, i've had it for a decent amount of months. Anyways back to the sound txt, It’s a short piece maybe 3 minutes and features a variety of sounds from all over the internet. And eludes the listener, well hopefully, to a story that doesnt say whats happening but rather explains the journey they embark. The life or beginning of the song starts with a little pump, then something magical ass the man sees two eyes. After this it intensives the pump with a little old time Will Smith (Fresh Prince of Bel Air) for the climax, then says a life quote with the fat poet, then ventures through their enjoyment, for some kids 12, of their lives. After this they are walled by police and ambulance cars from the accident he endured.

            I had fun with this project; it was inventive and a bit inspirational. I would like to continue making sound poems, the sounds you may be lucky to hear, are not what they intended to be but to me what I explained above is the actual meaning, Disagree with me, I don’t care but if you try to prove me wrong I will listen.

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