Walking this Earth may have no real meaning but we're all here.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

I'm where anyone can find me. With no one to see me.

Existence may be for the time being not mine. Dark walls surround my fragile body from being damaged by anything. Facial hair three times as long as my pubic hair, dust ridden and multi- colored both are. I can scream, cry, jerk off, puke, shit, release urine or pick my noise without as much as a judgment. I can write on paper, in the air or walls like a 5 year old and still cry inside. There is no option for me, and I cannot change this for 2 more years but I can say I experienced what it is like to truly and utterly adhered to the hand of the law.

Freedom, loneliness, honor, beauty and inspiration were the abstract words that were available for this piece and 100 words approximately were our targeted count but was exceedingly hard to negotiate this small amount. These words have so much depth and it was stunningly hard to express all that I wanted without exceeding the limits. I was going to say fu-k it but I wanted to see how it would turned out with being so small. I liked the outcome with no exceptions.
The idea for the theme of being in jail has come from pieces of Linh Dinh’s “Blood and Soap,” I’m currently reading the book that has kept my eyes busy and my mind moving. Throughout the book there are short stories that have reference to people committing murders, people dying and people committing suicide like on page 87. The short story called “Murder or Suicide” was creative, displaying various word distribution and positioning. Using repetition in “tourist, tourist, tourist” and capitals in whole sentences, “A TOURIST WAS STABBED TO DEATH LATE LAST NIGHT IN CENTRAL PARK!” (89). For creative writing and an interesting story it was good to see these elements. But that’s not what made me want to write about jail, the story as a whole made me want to write about the affect after committing murder. Loneliness sat right on my lap when I glanced at the words that were given to us. Honestly I knew it was “loneliness” when I asked myself what other options were available. Just so sure!! I love writing.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Campaign Mode

Below is the finished version of our in class writing. I used about one hundred words as was instructed. I initial though video games when I read the beginning of the paragraph but changed my thoughts to think dreams. I did this because in dreams there is so much potential for words to be used. There are no limitations or explanation to what could happen. Dreams are typically totally random, they never explain themselves, and the dreamer is only given the images in dreams like a reader is only given the words on a page. So I went with this theme and ran.

“You can operate in a campaign mode where your man lives in a pack and tries to become the ‘thompson,’ or supreme leader, while grappling with everyday survival. Bad weather, nonspecific terrain, and scarce food all are quick conquers compared to the threat of the animal; eluding the dog that might stalk you is nearly futile, and not worth failing at, even for points of valor or recognition. Run before you can’t, speak while you can and breathe while it is upon your decision. You may not know where you are but you need not worry you’re not alone; animal of structural atoms in the form of dog. No not man’s best friend, not when its teeth are out playing the dirt ridden gums that allow an emotion feeling of good. Survival is not real here, you are here but just while you don’t acknowledge the softness under your unconscious body that lies besides your real dog. Close campaign mode, for the ‘thompson’.  

10 Random Events

Each of these events is kind of weird in their own form. There is an explanation for all of them but I rather leave it up to you to interpret them for yourself and don’t be afraid to laugh out load. I have done all these events with friends and they have left me with some good memories. The hanging cucumbers for example take some stupidity but totally worth it. All the cucumbers do is distract the viewer from seeing the lip sync-ers lips. Just in case he messes up. Have fun.   
Go to a public place and instead of walking, frolic.

Make a Halloween costume randomly out of cardboard and duck tape, sit at home anticipating the return of your roommates to find out what they have to say.

Lip sync behind huge hanging cucumbers.

Go to the Arctic (which is a really cold room in your house compared to the others).

Wrap yourself in bubble wrap and roll down a hill.

Go fishing with a bunch of people and purposely forget to put a hook on your rod (you really just want to do a social thing with your friends but you don’t want to kill anything).

Play 3D 52 pickup.

Be human bobble heads for 30 minutes or until you forget what you’re doing.

Make up Forest Gump quotes with a person that has never seen the movie, they just now what he sounds like from other people quoting him.

Share poetry while being intoxicated or high (on life that is).

Eat six salted crackers as fast as you can, once done duck your head in a bath tub full of water for as long as you can against an opponent.

One Sentence Stories

I wrote these lying in bed, my girlfriend picked a random word and i used each word see picked in each of the sentences below. Most of my writing is towards the darker side of events. I dont know why this is cause im a typically happy person but i just like the way a sentence is when it expresses something that I can see taking place and something that would be treacherous to experience. I wanted to change some of the words once I had a theasuras but they seemed fine without change.

Once I remove this charcoal wood from the soot, I swept ash and what was once my beloved dog into a pile to put back upon the fireplace alongside the shattered urn.

One would say Fred has aged, but over the years the time has gone by, moderation has seeped its toll upon our youth, Fred is that old man that steps onto his porch and uses no hesitation to put a hole through the hungered deer.

The sheltered eyes of a twenty-one year old female has been eager to explore the world, she has an opportunity to pick one place but what decisions depict her to make the first change to what could be her new life.

What do you do when you go somewhere for nothing, some say drink away who you are and become who you are not.

The last particle of hydrogen and oxygen dripped from the corroded pipe like the last tear Wallace devoted to his life, it was the end of the last Raymond to carry the family’s original name.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Site Specific Text

I had troubles at first to find an original idea and I really didn’t want to do something I thought someone else would do. I came up with the idea from my ‘face of answers,’ he’s a face that I use to invent and help express ideas. I actually drew him in Creative Writing but since then I carry him in my wallet so if I need a little advice I just take a look at him and he reminds me to think outside the box. Anyways my site specific text was not only my work; I used lines from all my classmates’ poems off their blogs. I took random lines that I thought by themselves may inspire someone as they inspired me. It took me about seven hours to write all the notes out, I used a whole pack of sticky notes and two roles of tape and a couple of hours of what would have been sleep. Below is an example of a yellow sticky note (I don’t have a camera)

                         Creative Writing

                     "Imaginary thoughts adroit and putrid
                      In which are sometimes saved,
                      Sometimes stored away"
                      Please Recycle!

I positioned them randomly on near one hundred cars, located at the Save-On-Foods parking lot and Orchard Mall parking lot; which was a great deal easier because a greater number of cars and a vast majority of people took longer inside the mall.

People that randomly stared at me while I went around from car to car must have been stereotyping me, or measuring me up, to whether or not I was searching for an open car to steal. It seemed odd, and I was a little bit worried that they may phone the cops so I tried to stay out of sight from people as best as I could. There was one elderly lady that actually followed me over the course of three cars. So I approached her which seemed to scare her, I explained to her what I was doing and showed her multiple sticky notes. I even went as far as asking her what she thought of one. The above note is the one I showed her, she answered “well I don’t seem to understand what the words are asking me. Does it have something to do with space? Or wait treasure? What does it mean?” I told her about Mr. Kennedy and that it can mean anything that the reader likes. So I gave it to her in hope that she may ponder of the lines of the poem a little more.

I positioned some of the notes on the cars at the back, on the passenger window, rear passenger windows but mostly on the driver window depending on the vehicles. I did this to distort the time the viewer may see them or just in case the vehicle would contain a passenger during sometime. For example at the back of the car, so the reader of the note may read it at home or in some location other than the mall or grocery store parking lot, In hope that they would think about the note in any way possible. Like how long it has been there, what it means or what does it mean to them. If the reader thinks nothing of the note that’s fine too, as long as a handful of the notes actually get the attention I hoped. People have different intentions of junk left on their vehicle, some throw it away without any thought but some read them and use their brains. Hopefully that is.

I wrote these notes for the same reason I’m taking creative writing and that is to think about anything I normally don’t think about. The lines are for that soul purpose, I want others to put some thought about something that doesn’t matter so much too them. Maybe escape the mind set of getting home and cook dinner, evade the usual routine an average person settles into when nothing else is happening. I think there is too much each individual doesn’t know about everything. I also wrote these for the idea of inspiring unfinished thoughts. For me I vision things which help, reading some creative words or seeing a picture is what triggers special ideas. If I (or my class) can help do that for someone else then I think that is A plus.

Creative writing is a class I would recommend to anyone, people in business may have developed better skills in marketing cause they can think like other business people don’t, or painters/ artists, the list is endless. Creative writing expands the thought process and allows you to be creative.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

???????? Nothing but randon

I always feel like expanding my creativity when leaving at 5:20 out of the class off..

C 240, not a car but a place.
Immediately answers that leave, outside
competing, writing my mind. The language not modern
what matters not, style, fashion, career no,?
Bash the career fair don't attend the college,
speak to coyotes, imaginery cities, indigenous salvador
or local pigfests. Writing sustainable interest, inventive ideas
through different lenses. Proverty, global issues or
Human air, pay rent Bullshit (scribbles afterwards?),
issues generally like get toilet paper, proof of citation, eat lunch
and pop corn left out. Due friday after HRMA for more information
contact joncom@telus.net (250) 575- 0678

Okay okay explanation time, and whether everyone agrees with me or not whatever. I leave with voices and thoughts, Jakes class is strange (he’s an asshole) and inventive, I always leave being like what an ass… who doesn’t. No but all seriousness he or you (depends whose reading) must think similar, I always leave with something new in my head, something creative. We listen to useless things or watch useless videos, but no not useless, every time we see moustaches or huge brash noise making things he wants to know what were thinking. And although each person doesn’t speak out loud necessarily, I as hopeful as you come up with something in my head. If it’s not great, we can just sit back and listen to other great ideas (from my class of excellenceJ) which also may trigger something. So this is what I came up with, solemnly not using words that you can’t see from the place you’re standing or walking, start writing words that catch your eye and see what u come up with. That’s what I did; I rearranged the words to make what is above not aiming at a straight meaning. If the class objective is to be creative hopefully I will be able to hold in the content I learned for most of the content is within me, I’m learning more about thinking outside the box and I love it. Ps Jake you are not that big of an ass lol(laugh out loud)

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


I am living today in yesterday
I am from the soil in which all living things come from
I am dependent on the climate for I have no control of the weather
I am color related to my surroundings, as are my brothers
I am not out spoken, racist or a transvestite
I am a grown apple ready to be squeezed and mixed with ice or dipped once or twice in peanut butter

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Unconscious by Trevor Chalifour

It starts with dark
peaceful as it is
from many nights
of anticipating and mediating

Imaginary thoughts, adroit and putrid
in which are sometimes saved,
sometimes stored away
in our minds never to be remembered

Lay straight or pilgrimage
excrete lather, norm tepid, or shudder
the body does as it wishes
for its power is unconscious

To cease sleeping and meet the world
the mind is back and thoughts begin
it seems so impetuous
it starts with light