Walking this Earth may have no real meaning but we're all here.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

10 Random Events

Each of these events is kind of weird in their own form. There is an explanation for all of them but I rather leave it up to you to interpret them for yourself and don’t be afraid to laugh out load. I have done all these events with friends and they have left me with some good memories. The hanging cucumbers for example take some stupidity but totally worth it. All the cucumbers do is distract the viewer from seeing the lip sync-ers lips. Just in case he messes up. Have fun.   
Go to a public place and instead of walking, frolic.

Make a Halloween costume randomly out of cardboard and duck tape, sit at home anticipating the return of your roommates to find out what they have to say.

Lip sync behind huge hanging cucumbers.

Go to the Arctic (which is a really cold room in your house compared to the others).

Wrap yourself in bubble wrap and roll down a hill.

Go fishing with a bunch of people and purposely forget to put a hook on your rod (you really just want to do a social thing with your friends but you don’t want to kill anything).

Play 3D 52 pickup.

Be human bobble heads for 30 minutes or until you forget what you’re doing.

Make up Forest Gump quotes with a person that has never seen the movie, they just now what he sounds like from other people quoting him.

Share poetry while being intoxicated or high (on life that is).

Eat six salted crackers as fast as you can, once done duck your head in a bath tub full of water for as long as you can against an opponent.

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