Walking this Earth may have no real meaning but we're all here.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Campaign Mode

Below is the finished version of our in class writing. I used about one hundred words as was instructed. I initial though video games when I read the beginning of the paragraph but changed my thoughts to think dreams. I did this because in dreams there is so much potential for words to be used. There are no limitations or explanation to what could happen. Dreams are typically totally random, they never explain themselves, and the dreamer is only given the images in dreams like a reader is only given the words on a page. So I went with this theme and ran.

“You can operate in a campaign mode where your man lives in a pack and tries to become the ‘thompson,’ or supreme leader, while grappling with everyday survival. Bad weather, nonspecific terrain, and scarce food all are quick conquers compared to the threat of the animal; eluding the dog that might stalk you is nearly futile, and not worth failing at, even for points of valor or recognition. Run before you can’t, speak while you can and breathe while it is upon your decision. You may not know where you are but you need not worry you’re not alone; animal of structural atoms in the form of dog. No not man’s best friend, not when its teeth are out playing the dirt ridden gums that allow an emotion feeling of good. Survival is not real here, you are here but just while you don’t acknowledge the softness under your unconscious body that lies besides your real dog. Close campaign mode, for the ‘thompson’.  

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