Walking this Earth may have no real meaning but we're all here.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

???????? Nothing but randon

I always feel like expanding my creativity when leaving at 5:20 out of the class off..

C 240, not a car but a place.
Immediately answers that leave, outside
competing, writing my mind. The language not modern
what matters not, style, fashion, career no,?
Bash the career fair don't attend the college,
speak to coyotes, imaginery cities, indigenous salvador
or local pigfests. Writing sustainable interest, inventive ideas
through different lenses. Proverty, global issues or
Human air, pay rent Bullshit (scribbles afterwards?),
issues generally like get toilet paper, proof of citation, eat lunch
and pop corn left out. Due friday after HRMA for more information
contact joncom@telus.net (250) 575- 0678

Okay okay explanation time, and whether everyone agrees with me or not whatever. I leave with voices and thoughts, Jakes class is strange (he’s an asshole) and inventive, I always leave being like what an ass… who doesn’t. No but all seriousness he or you (depends whose reading) must think similar, I always leave with something new in my head, something creative. We listen to useless things or watch useless videos, but no not useless, every time we see moustaches or huge brash noise making things he wants to know what were thinking. And although each person doesn’t speak out loud necessarily, I as hopeful as you come up with something in my head. If it’s not great, we can just sit back and listen to other great ideas (from my class of excellenceJ) which also may trigger something. So this is what I came up with, solemnly not using words that you can’t see from the place you’re standing or walking, start writing words that catch your eye and see what u come up with. That’s what I did; I rearranged the words to make what is above not aiming at a straight meaning. If the class objective is to be creative hopefully I will be able to hold in the content I learned for most of the content is within me, I’m learning more about thinking outside the box and I love it. Ps Jake you are not that big of an ass lol(laugh out loud)

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